Hello, my name is
Fred and I'm a feeling. I like to reside in people who live in the
past, have low self esteem and judgmental. These people have the
best houses because they are triggered by practically everything.
And each time I present a trigger, I get the response I want, then I
get my promotion.
Ha ha ha.
Our feelings are a direct result or response to what has happened to us in the past either directly or indirectly. Some people spend many
years holding grudges, being unforgiving, hateful, spiteful, angry
at the world, holding on to the events of high school or events during childhood. Oftentimes, these people never come to the realization that
life is what you make it.
As creators, life is what
you make it. Sometimes there are things that occur in our lives that
are out of our control. And it takes a bit longer to overcome those
memories of maltreatment, but for the other percentage, no matter
what that percentage may be, life is what you make it.
Too often many what to
blame someone or something for the way they feel. My mom mistreated me, my dad
wasn't there, my spouse left me, my siblings don't like me, my friend
betrayed me and on top of that, my car wouldn't start today. We all
have a story. And some of us even wrote books on our stories. Yet our
stories, as dramatic as they may be, should not be our excuse for
misery and despair.
There will be times when
you don't feel like getting out of bed. You don't feel like getting
dressed. There will be days when you just want to remain in your woe
is me realm. But those are the days when you force yourself to
get up. Those are the days when you open the blinds, pull back the
curtains, put on your lotion, oil or perfume and put on something
vibrant and enjoy the day.
This is the day that you
make a decree to enjoy the day. This is the day when you will over
the way you feel. To let your will take control over those
feelings of distress and sorrow. And once you begin to will
over the way you feel, you will notice that you have less dreadful
days. Less miserable days than you had before. And the percentage of
you feeling in a state of sorrow and anxiety will become less and
less prominent.
Now you might say, “Okay,
I understand what you're saying, but how do I do that in which you
suggested? How do I will over the way I feel?” The very
first step is to acknowledge that you're depressed or you have
anxiety. Acknowledge the feelings that you are experiencing no matter what they may.
Acknowledgment of the situation is the most important step of all.
How many of you have had
feelings about a particular situation and when you made your feelings
known to the other person, came to the realization that that wasn't
the case at all? When we hide our feelings, we are accepting those
feelings as fact. Once we accept those feelings as fact, we allow them to rule
over our day. We allow them to rule how we treat others. We allow
them to rule our responses and actions. So again, the first step is
to acknowledge those feelings by writing them all down.
The second step that you
want to take is to confront those feelings, ask questions. Why
am I feeling depressed? Why am I angry? Why am I sad? Once you have
your answer, you want to ask yourself, is this feeling helping me or
breaking me? Is this feeling even justified? Is staying in the bed
all day helping me? Is crying all day helping me? Is throwing fits
helping me? Be honest and be realistic with your answer. So again,
the second step is to confront those feelings and ask questions.
Wait, let me say this, because misery loves company. Confronting
your feelings doesn't mean, calling up your friend and discussing how
you feel. This isn't a group effort. This is for you to take
inventory of your life, yourself.
The final step is to say
your good-byes. After you've written down your feelings, confronted
and asked questions, look at what you've written then picture it as a
piece of luggage. One piece of luggage for each feeling. For example,
if you've written down depression, anxiety, anger, jealousy, out bursts,
resentment, and unforgiving, you are carrying on your back, seven
pieces of luggage! Seven pieces of luggage, imagine that, while those whom you are
angry with, or have issues with are luggage free... care free.
I then want you to look at the
piece of paper with your feelings on it, and take some scissors and cut it into small pieces. Then place it in a zip lock bag and bury it at a place of your choosing.
Then move on from that point.
It takes effort and will. Yet, everyday is a new day. Embrace it and
enjoy the day!
Godmother's Corner